[Anmeldelser] En ny side (album)

Her vil jeg legge ut anmeldelser/omtaler av albumet og evt.singelen. Fra Krister Wiberg på Musikknyheter.no som ga albumet 7/10: Albumet åpner med et deilig brak. Ulven uten flokk er en virkelig godbit med en symfonisk og filmatisk produksjon, som beveger seg mot mørket og er inspirert av svartmetall. En perfekt start på platen.....Men selv om... Fortsett lesing →

[Ny musikk] Mellomspill – Min kamp

Med jevne mellomrom legger jeg ut nye låter som er blitt dumpet fra det kommende albumet "En ny side". Dette er andre låt ut, og den har tittelen "Mellomspill - Min kamp". Første låten var "Mellomspill - Kannibal". Albumet kommer (forhåpentligvis) i august.

[New album] Sånne andre dager (double album)

New official release; "Sånne andre dager: Leftovers & remixes" - a collection of songs made during the same period of time as the "Sånne dager" album was made (2008-2012). Guest appearances by Marty Martés (Marty & The Frenemies), Bitten-Helén, K.N.X, Natasha Angel, Gandhji (Zig Zag Zoo), Teorim (Zig Zag Zoo), Hajoken (Tonna Brix), Kjartan Gaulfossen... Fortsett lesing →

My official debut album SÅNNE DAGER is now available at any online music store! Itunes, Spotify, Wimp, Platekompaniet, Amazon, etc.... Read more about the release HERE. What can I say...check it out and buy it if you like it! A certain amount of the income will be donated to Global Orphanage Foundation's work in Indonesia.... Fortsett lesing →

To spread the word about my forthcoming album release I have created a Facebook event. This is not a release party or a concert, but an online reminder of the digital album release - so "maybe" doesn't exist! A YES/ATTEND simply means that you're going to buy the album/check it out when the time is... Fortsett lesing →

The album is set to release on my BIRTHDAY!!! (and don't you forget!) So you may all check out my album the 19th of August, 2012!   Please read more about it - and attend - @ the official FACEBOOK EVENT. (despite the Norwegian title, the album is in English,...thought you should know)   Feel... Fortsett lesing →

What do YOU know about indie music online? My album is on its way and I need to promote myself. I know my limits; no money & no time, but I got to do what I can to get my music out there! That's why I'm going to "headhunt" my audience. I'm from a small... Fortsett lesing →

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